About us
My Digital Business Card – mydigibizcard.com is Registered in MSME / Udhyam Portal (Govt. Portal of India)
“our” refer to cardnest.in. cardnest.in cardnest.in Located at Karnatka, India.
and notices stated here.
cardnest.in is the platform to create Digital Business Card for for people who are related to Businesses or for Professionals, They can share their business/profession details to other people for information.
merchants, and/ or contributors of content.
In the event that you have any inquiries please utilize the contact us form at main page, to email us at imranbagewadi@gmail.com and we'll react as quickly as time permits.
Contact number. +9199009753041
Ho/on 406/ob, Rabia nivas, basav cercal, mouneshwar nagar, bailhongal, Dist : Belgaum Karnataka India.